Sonic Automotive
Sonic Automotive closes gaps in its cash-handling process with 103 Titan® smart safes.
Four years ago, Sonic Automotive was subject to the pitfalls of the retail cash-handling process involving managing risks and costs. Employees were tasked with making bank deposits, which put them at risk of injury and robbery. Recognizing the lack of safety and security in this process, Sonic Automotive used several armored car services to handle pickups at over 100 locations. While this approach mitigated the risk of robbery and injury, other problems arose requiring a dramatic solution.
Following a two-month pilot program, Loomis U.S. rolled out the SafePoint Series 4 Titan® smart safe to 103 Sonic Automotive locations. By simplifying how Sonic Automotive handled cash, Loomis closed the gaps in their cash-handling process. In addition, we helped to increase safety and the accuracy of cash counts while eliminating the headaches involved in dealing with several armored car services and banks. More importantly, our solution cut the company’s expenses and boosted profitability.
“Everything is easier to manage with the current solution,” said Rina Patel, Treasury Manager of Sonic Automotive. “It’s also safer, more accurate, and more convenient for everyone.”
Find out how we can help with your cash management.
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